Wednesday, August 29, 2007

first day of school

OH MY DOG! There has just been so much going on in Casa de las Besitas, I can hardly wrap my little wrinkly head around it. These last few weeks have been filled with so many exciting things, and a couple of not so great ones...

Firstly, Aunt Bri gave birth to Beckett Ace, my new cousin and my mommy's new baby nephew! He is pretty cute, I must admit, not as cute as myself, but he seems like a cool guy so far, not that I can judge since I can't play with him yet....but, we'll see! I just know that I am so excited for my Aunt Bri and Uncle Wes and Beckett is making my mommy very happy to be an Auntie. My consolation prize for not being the baby of the building anymore was this really cool new red keyboard squeaky. I love this stuffie and I make beeeeutiful music with it! I must admit, I am pretty talented with the squeaker.

I got my stitches out of my tummy and nose, thank dog, and I am back to my normal self. I went the park last weekend and played with 5 OTHER fawn PUGS (well, one was 1/2 puggle, but I'll let it slide) and although I had such a blast rockin' and rollin' in the dirt with them, I got a little roughed up and needless to say there are some scrapes and nips on my little wrinkle-face...oh well, I'm a tough doggie, and I'll be okay soon...that just means more treats!

The Jess-ter went away on a "busy-ness trip" for a whole 7 days during the week of the birth and left me her whole side of the bed! It was nice to get all of my mom's attention, but I guess I'm pretty happy she is home, too.

Sadly, as of last night, my mommy has started school again. This makes me very sad because I won't get to see her right after work anymore. It is only 2 evenings a week, they tell me, but I am going to miss seeing her right at 6 after my hard day of napping in my crate. She is taking classes so she can eventually apply to nursing school. Whatever that is! Well, hopefully there will be more time for a new routine of blogging in this schedule, but we will all adjust just fine, I hear I get to go to the park this weekend a lot....

Monday, August 6, 2007

What have they done?!?!

So here I am, chillin' being my usual happy-pug self...

I had no idea what was coming...

until then...

THE VET. Something about an "ovariohysterectomy," and "nasal wedge resection." WHAAAA?!?!!!!
(above: before nose)

(after, post-op nose with stitches.)

(Hi everydoggy! Olive's Mom here. Olive had to get spayed and had nose surgery to help her breathe better. We are all in recovery mode here and will post more when things are back to normal later.)

This stinks, and that's all I can say about the whole thing! I know I get extra attention and I get to be carried a lot (up the stairs) but I have NO IDEA why I had to go through this!!

I have to wear this stoopid cone all the time and I have to take cheese-medicine (Olive, it is good for you and you like the medicine wrapped in the cheese.) Ugggh! I HATE THIS. The good thing is, I also get a syringe of pain medicine...then I feel all sleepy and woozy, and oh boy I can't feel my feet...must, lie, down....goodnight!
(How Olive's cruel Mommies make fun of "cone-head" with a stuffed pug and a lamp shade. HAHA! They were nestled coincidentally.)